Rabu, 28 Januari 2009

Curhat seputar liburan

Halo teman-teman sekalian...berhubung ini lagi liburan dan saya punya waktu sangat luang, jadi saya mao curhat sedikit atau tepatnya komplen!

Tanggal 14 Januari 2009 kemarin saya akhirnya kembali ke tanah air yang ternyata memang benar-benar tanah + air = banjir (nasib). Tiba kurang lebih pukul 10 malam di bandara Soekarno-Hatta yang ternyata punya WC baru!! Tapi sayangnya, yang lain masih sama bapuknya.

Perasaan ketika sampai? Senang sih senang, apalagi disambut hujan sangat deras yang hampir menyerupai badai. Bikin perasaan jadi deg-degan gimana gitu...tapi ternyata tidak banjir koq, teman-teman... eeh tau-taunya banjirnya minggu depannya...bagaimana bisa maju, ibukota koq banjir tiap tahun ya. (komplen #1)

Keesokan harinya, mumpung matahari bersinar terang, saya melancong ke mall terdekat. Setelah berbulan-bulan tidak menyetir mobil, saya agak kagok namun karena saya sangat piawai menyetir jadi tidak butuh waktu lama sampai akhirnya terbiasa lagi. (narsis #1)
Ternyata jalanan banyak yang hancur, sampai-sampai saya bingung ini Jakarta atau bulan? (jayus #1) Yang bikin saya kesal, motor-motor dan angkutan umum suka tidak tahu aturan. Kalau saya tidak hati-hati bisa ditabrak! (komplen #2)

Setelah capek hati dan badan, saya ingin bersantai di rumah dengan bermain internet. Tapi koneksi internet saya sangat lamban! (komplen #3) Selain lamban juga suka putus-putus seenak jidatnya sendiri! (komplen #4) Hari ini saya tidak tahu sudah berapa kali koneksi saya terputus, sampai rasanya saya mau kembali pakai dial-up...

Maaf ya teman-teman kalau saya jadi marah-marah disini, habis liburan tidak ada kerjaan. Mau keluar malas, tidur pun ogah. Saya jadi tidak sabar mau kembali ke Shanghai dan bertemu dengan kalian semua hihihihi....
(Frilly yang sangat bosan disini)

Jumat, 09 Januari 2009


程序设计 2009年2月11日(周三)上午9:00-11:00 3108
计算机高级办公自动化 2009年2月11日(周三)下午13:00-13:45 1304
计算机绘图与多媒体 2009年2月11日(周三)下午14:00-14:45 1304
计算机网络与网页制作 2009年2月11日(周三)下午15:00-15:45 1304
计算机基础与数据库 2009年2月11日(周三)下午16:00-16:45 1304
计算机网络与多媒体 2009年2月11日(周三)下午13:00-14:00 1308
大学英语 2009年2月12日(周四)上午9:00-11:00 3108
政治理论课程 2009年2月12日(周四)下午13:00-15:00 3108
现代生物科学导论 2009年2月12日(周四)下午15:30-17:30 3108
军事理论 2009年2月13日(周五)上午9:00-11:00 3401
艺术类课程 2009年2月13日(周五)下午13:00-15:00 3108 3208
通识教育核心课程 2009年2月13日(周五)下午15:30-17:30 3108
高等数学 2009年2月14日(周六)上午9:00-11:00 3108 3208 3209 3308 3309
大学物理 2009年2月14日(周六)下午13:00-15:00 3108 3208 3209
普通化学 2009年2月14日(周六)下午15:30-17:30 3108 3208

2009年2月13(星期 五 )上午9:00,在邯郸校区第四教学楼4101教室召开教务员会议,布置开学工作。特此通知。


                                                                                                           教 务 处 2009年1月4日

Kamis, 08 Januari 2009

Info Bayar Uang sekolah

Fudan bekerjasama dengan 中国银行 untuk membuat pembayaran uang sekolah bagi foreign students menjadi lebih mudah. caranya dengan membuat kartu khusus yang systemnya kira2 sama dengan kartu atm yang kita punya sekarang. jadi bagi anak2 indo yang perlu kita lakukan adalah:
1.  pergi ke foreign student dormitory (Feb2009), untuk membuat kartu khusus tersebut. pihak 中国银行 akan buka stan disana, untuk melayani kita bikin kartu tersebut.
2. kartu itu akan mulai dipakai untuk semester selanjutnya (september 2009 ), jadi untuk semester febuari 2009 kita masih harus antri bayar uang sekolah di foreign student office.
3. setelah punya kartu ini, kita bayar uang sekolah hanya dengan mengesek kan kartu  itu di stan 中国银行 yang ada di foreign student dormitory, dan kita juga bs langsung menukarkan mata uang asing disana (tp sayangnya rupiah gak bisa tuh..)
4. info lainny, foreign students diharuskan untuk membeli asuransi! pembayaran uang sekolah semester febuari 2009, klo gw gak salah dimulai dari 2月9日-2月15日. 
ps: kalau ada info lebih lanjut di post lg ya. (sese)

Rabu, 07 Januari 2009

Selasa, 06 Januari 2009

Hello friends! Happy 2009!

I would like to share with you on how this event came about and some thoughts from the participation.
The idea was started on Christmas 2008, it was how we could share this joyous season with people who were less fortunate. Due to the lack of time last year, we postponed our plan to this year!
We eventually decided on 广慈儿童福利院. The place is a privately funded orphanage run by 孙金耀院长。 It houses about 30 orphans, mostly age 10 and below, who have physical or mental disabilities. Most were born with deficiencies but there were also cases arising from abuse.
On 2nd Jan 2009, 15 of us set out to visit the children. With the generous support and cash donations from all our wonderful friends, we managed to donate food supplies, stationeries and also Christmas presents for the kids. We performed some songs followed by a story telling session and mingled with the kids after that.

Frankly, I did not know what to expect for this visit. I was feeling a bit apprehensive beforehand, with lots of questions like: “Will the event proceed smoothly? Will interaction be hard due to their disabilities? Will they be unruly and hard to control? Will I be up for this task?” going through my head.

However, upon seeing the smiles and laughter on their little faces, all the time and effort spent on organizing this event was without a doubt worth it! I guess this trip was an eye opener and educational opportunity for us. Here are some of my thoughts and feelings from the participation of the event.

I feel the world we live in nowadays has become practical and materialistic with many people overlooking intangible things which are, if not more, important. What we donated can be considered insignificant but I am confident we did bring the children a lot of happiness and joy (take a look at the photos!). The kids require love and kindness just like any normal person especially so since they lack the love and support of their parents while growing up. I sincerely hope the love and joy we brought along was able to help in whatever little ways to fill the hole in them. Being around them will makes one realize how fortunate we truly are.

Social work has always been an area of interest for me. This event taught me if u really want to make a difference, commitment and self sacrifice is essential. The work has to be consistent and not dependant on mood. This means a lot of sacrifice on personal time and comfort, which is never an easy choice.

The contributions and efforts from this event might be similar to that of a droplet of water in the desert, but given enough time, the droplets might eventually transform into an oasis.
As老子 said: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, 千里之行,始于足下”
This event might not be much, but at least it’s a start =)

Lionel (Singapore)

More thoughts :

“It’s meaningful to spend my new year with kids that are less fortunate but not less optimistic about life. I’ve learnt more than I would from their cherubic smiles then from my exam books!” -Weibiao (Singapore)-

“It was a very interesting and impressive exprience while visiting the children at the orphanage. Even if they are handicapped, we can still feel their joy and warmth! I hope the time spent with them would be happy moments in their life! i will definitely visit them again next semester!!! Please join us!!! -Christine (France)-

"Having no experience with disabled kids, I was quite nervous before visiting them. Yet when I first saw them, their innocent and welcoming smiles melted my heart. Some are only physically disabled, and thus still hoping for a normal life like us. I feel sympathy for them as they have to go through many operations at such young ages in order to fix their abnormal bodies. It was a meaningful visit to Guang Ci. Let's do what we can do to help them!"
-Raine (Malaysia)-

"It was a very great day, spending time and playing with those kids. I hope it will continue next time and wish i could do it again"
-Ru Yi (France)-

"Learned a lot from the kids about how we should still smile even when the condition is against you, and hopefully we can do more activities like this in the future, there are still more people in need to reach."
-Jimmy (Indonesia)-

"That day enriched my idea and moved both my mind and heart. They taught me how to be grateful with what i have in my life. Not complaining and sighin everytime i face problems, because they taught me how to smile from your heart....thank you 小朋友们!" -Lia(Indonesia)